BLOGGERS 3 TO BUY OR NOT TO BUY UNIT 3 Mall of America and mass consumption in the USA p 42/43 (manuel) Complete the summary with the following adjectives in the superlative form. pas cher big-cheap-impressive-large- expensive Mall of America opened in 1992 in Minnesota. It is the third mall in the US. There are mo bag shopping centre in the world and more than 500 stores. There is an amusement park and the Large Besides, it is Minnesota. aquarium. /the esponsive mall because there is no sales tax in Statistics reveal that American households spend more money on clothes than on higher education. Nearly half of the families don't save any money. The situation is alarming because overconsumption leads to poverty and pollution. Remember! GENIUS AT WORK If you need help My Grammar p 37 (wb) 2. lecuperlatif (Pleaser​

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