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Grandma Moses - A successful woman painter Then we think of famous and successful painters of the past, we usually think of men. But there was one painter who was an exception. She was American. Her name was Grandma Moses. She was bom in Greenwich, New York, on 7th September 1860. She was one of ten children, the daughter of a poor farmer. She lived for a hundred and one years. She never had an art lesson in her life. Yet this remarkable woman became a great artist, and a great painter. Who was she? Who was this woman who became the grand old lady of American art? Her original name was Anna Mary Robertson. She left home and went to work on a farm when she was only twelve. In 1887 she married Thomas Salmon Moses, and they had a farm first in Virginia, and from 1905 in Eagle Bridge, New York. But Thomas died in 1927. From that moment Anna Mary and her children were alone. Grandma Moses painted all her life. She started painting more around 1928. In 1938, when she was seventy-eight years old, an art collector from New York discovered her paintings. And in 1940, she had her first exhibition at the Galerie St Etienne in New York. Grandma Moses completed over 1000 paintings. She had over twenty-five one woman shows in the United States and Europe. In her autobiography of 1952, "My Life's History", she explained her reasons for painting. "I wanted to show how we lived in the past," she said. Her achievements were great. She was a historian and an artist. Grandma Moses was indeed a remarkable old woman. In her work she gave us a beautiful, permanent record of early American life. She died in 1961, aged one hundred and one.​

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