• Topic • Submission date TOPIC: THE MAJORITY OF CONSUMERS SPEND MONEY ON... INVESTIGATION PROCEDURE STEP1: Conduct an investigation on the above topic to find out what the majority of consumers spend money on. Interview at least THREE of the following: a retail worker or a merchandiser or a stock controller or a cashier or a shop manager of a supermarket / clothing store /tobacco store / bottle store You may include questions such as What does most of your clientele spend their money on? ✰ Are the purchases seasonal or are they made throughout the year? What is the top selling product and how much of it is sold in a month? o You may also engage in research by consulting the internet or library o Write down the questions and responses on an A4 page o Submit a record of ONE interview that you had with your interviewees. • Submit this as page 1 of your Investigation (10) T​

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