22 Thank you for your letter. Yes, I enjoy / the time you / spend with me very much. We / have/some good fun! Thank you for your letter. Yes, I enjoyed the time.... 23 You/leave / a wonderful box of chocolates for my parents. Thank you. We / just / finish / them - they/be delicious. 24 And thank you also for the cassettes. They / arrive / yesterday. I/ not/play/all of them yet. At the moment I/listen/ to one, 'Paradise Rock'. It/be/ very good. 25 My mother/find / your photo album the day you / leave. 1/ send / it back two weeks ago. you/receive / it yet? 26 Do you remember Steve? We / meet / him at Sue's party. Well, he/ come / to my house last week. He/ask/ for your address so I / give / it to him. I hope that's OK. He/be/in California now on business. 27 I/look / out of the window at the moment. The sun / shine and it/be/ a beautiful, warm day. In fact, it/be/sunny/ every day since you / go back / to San Francisco. Sorry! 28 The cassette / just / finish. Tell your brother I love his music, he/want/ a publicity agent in London? That's all for now. Write soon. Love Jo​

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