
Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury - Final task
Your task: In the wake of recent events, a British TV channel has decided to devote a special report to the society
Montag lives in, and to look back on some of the events that have taken place, in order to help viewers better
understand the situation of this society and its specificities.
In pairs/groups of three, make a video of this news report.
Step 1: Select the information you want to include in your news report:
Here are a few guidelines: background information about the society depicted in the novel and its specificities,
context that led to the events you are presenting, information about the different people involved, description of the
facts, explanation about their impact.
Don't forget that the goal of this program is to inform and to help viewers understand facts and events, so try to
present things as clearly as possible.
Step 2: Organize your notes and then record your news report, which should last for 3 to 5 minutes.
The different speakers in the program could be: a journalist and one or two guests who can be either people who
are part of this society (
who were directly involved in the events presented, who witnessed those events, who were
affected by them..), or people
who analyse this society (a historian, a sociologist, ...).
Step 3: Post your video on Moodle or bring it on a USB flash drive by Monday, May 6th.
Critères d'évaluation:
- contenu informatif, pertinence des informations données (les informations données doivent montrer que vous avez
bien compris l'intrigue)
- présentation du programme (clarté, ton, conviction, rythme ...)
- organisation et enchaînement des idées
- correction de la langue
- richesse de la langue
- prononciation et intonation

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