
Charles Dickens was born on the
then in Kent were very happy.
2nd of Febuary 1812.
near Portsmouth. His first years in London
He didn't like spending his time doing nothing: Very early he enjoyed. Reaching a lot (thanks to his mother who
developed his love for books).
He liked very much walking with his father, going to the theatre... and playing with his younger brother Fred.
His father, John Dickens, was a very nice man but he always had serious money problems. At the age of 2... Charles
had to stop going to school. He didn't stay at home. He worked in a factory for two or three months. He never forgot that
horrible experience. His father's situation became better in 1824. and Charles went back to school for three years.
He left school at the age of 1.5... and became a legal clerk and later a reporter.
His first book came out in Febuary 18.36"
He got married in April that year. He married Catherine Hogarth.
But as time went by, they became unhappy and divorced. In 1858.
His first big success came with Pickwick papers. In the next twenty years, he didn't write one book.
He wrote.... very famous books.
Everybody knows David Copperfield, Oliver Twist and Little Dorrit.
Charles Dickens had ten children. He travelled a lot. He spent six months in...Amer.co..... Then he visited Italy,
Switzerland and France.
When he died on the 9th of June 1870, he was a very famous and a very rich man. Contrary to his wish to be buried at
Rochester Cathedral "in an inexpensive, unostentatious, and strictly private manner", he was laid to rest in the
Poets'Corner of Westminster Abbey

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