Bonsoir !Je dois répondre au question ci-dessous mais je n'ai pas du tout le temps ,ça serait possible que quelqu'un m'aide ?merci !
"Behind the News is an educational news program.What will students discover in "First Fleet"?
2.What year does their historical reconstruction take place? reconstitution
3.a) What was Elizabeth Haywood’s job? b) What was she found guilty of?a) b)
4.a) What was John Hudson’s job? b) What was he sentenced for?a) b)
5.What were people often sentenced to?
6.What did the British Empire decide to do with some of them?
7.Why couldn't convicts be sent to America anymore?
8.a) How many ships were sent to Australia on the First Fleet.b) What was the fleet made up of?a) b)
9.a) How many convicts were transported? b) How many of them didn't survive the journey?a) b)
10.a) What were the conditions like on the ships? b) They had to stop on route to Australia.What for?a) b)
11.Who led the First Fleet and went on to be the Governor of the New South Wales colony? a dirigé
12.What made him think that New South Wales might become great some day?
13.What day did he plant the British flag in the new British territory? What's special about this date now?
14.What is the children’s state of mind at the end of the video?"​

Bonsoir Je dois répondre au question cidessous mais je nai pas du tout le temps ça serait possible que quelquun maide merci Behind the News is an educational ne class=

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