Listen to the dialogue and tick the correct answers. More than one answer is possible.
( Ecoute le dialogue et coche les bonnes réponses. Plus d'une seule réponse est possible.)
1. The Sunshine Fund for Children' helps:
-sick people
-disabled people
-children in need
-older people
2. the group the charity does not help
-sick children in great britain
- homeless children in other countries
-homeless children in great britain
- sick children in other countries

3. activity organized in great britain

- they manage orphanages for homeless or abandoned children
- they provide free education for poor children
- they organize day trips and picnis for children who are too ill to travel
- they organize vaccination programmes
- they manage children's hospitals

4. activities organized in countries overseas

- they manage orphanages for homeless or abandoned children
- they organize family weekends for the families of sick children
- they organize vaccination progrmames
- they organize camps for children suffering from serious illnesses

5. how they get money to finance the missions

- they charge the people they help
- they organize fund raisaing activities
- they call on private sponsors
- they use donations ​

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