Consigne: Fil in about, then pay attention to the cross (X) and write complete sentences according to them. Follow the exemple.
Alors, je dois faire des descriptions : Pièce Jointe décrire comme l'exemple de Linda - Pièce jointe. Merci de m'aider. Je voudrais quelqu'un qui se sens bien en anglais.
Pièce jointe - 2 images

Consigne Fil in about then pay attention to the cross X and write complete sentences according to them Follow the exemple Alors je dois faire des descriptions P class=

Répondre :

Mark is short and thin. He has got green eyes. His hair is short and curly. He has got got blonde hair and a long face. He wears glasses.


Rita and Ann are medium-size and fat. They have blue eyes. Theirs hair are medium-lenght and steight. They have got red hair and a round face. They have got freckles too.


Il faut que tu fasses ausi ton portrait en utilisant les mots dans le tableau. Aide-toi des modèles. =) J'espère t'avoir aidé...


b) Marc is short and thin. He has green eyes. Marc has short, curly and blonde hair. He has a long face and wears glasses.

c)  Rita and Ann are medium-size They are fat. She has blue eyes, shoulder-length, straight hair and red. She has a round face and freckles.


-Pour le "d" il faut que tu face une descriptions de toi.

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