conditionals and "wish" :
1- i'n not tired enought to go to bed yet. I would'nt sleep if go to bed.
(a) go
(b) went
(c)had gone
(d) would go)

2- if I were you, I ............ that coat. it's much too expensive.
(a)won't buy(b) don't buy
(c) am not going to buy 
(d) wound'nt buy 

3- I decided to stay at home last night. I would have gone out if tired.
(a) wasn't 
(c) would'nt have been
(hadn't been)

4-I wish I..........a car. It would make life so much easier. 
(a) have
(c)would have

1- a loud noise during the night.
(a) woke up
(b) are woken up
(c)were woken up
(d) were waking up 

2-there's somebody walking behind us. I think.................
(a) we are folling
(b) we are being followed
(c) we are followed
(d) we are being following

3-the train................arrive at 11.30 but it was an hour late.
(a) supposed to
(b) is supposed to
(c) was supposed to

4-where..........? which hairdresser did you go to?
(a) did you cut your hair
(b) have you cut youyr hair?
(c) did you have cut your hair
(d) did you have your hair cut

Répondre :

conditionals and "wish" :

1- I'm not tired enough to go to bed yet. I wouldn't sleep if I went to go to bed.

2- if I were you, I
wouldn't buy that coat. it's much too expensive.

3- I decided to stay at home last night. I would have gone out if I
hadn't been so tired.

4-I wish I had a car. It would make life so much easier.


1- we
were woken up by a loud noise during the night.

2-there's somebody walking behind us. I think
we are followed.

3-the train
was supposed to arrive at 11.30 but it was an hour late.

did you have your hair cut ? which hairdresser did you go to?

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