
pour demain j ai de l'anglai et y a un execrixce dont j arrive pas 
complete les phrase suivante avec le verbe indiquer a la forme affirmative ou negative.
1.I............(play) the guitar, but I..............(not / play) very well.
2.My cat..........( not /like) milk, but she............(like) mice!
3.Andrew.........(share) his room with his brother, but he.............(not / like) it
4.We.......(have) a self-service at school, but we........(not / have) a salad bar.

Répondre :

1) I play the guitar, but I don't play very well.
2) My cat doesn't like milk, but she likes mice!
3) Andrew shares his room with his brother, but he doesn't like it.
4) We have a self service at school, but we don't have a salad bar. 

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