
Bonsoir besoin d'un traduction anglaise  SVP

Katty aime écoute la musique RNB, country et le jazz, son chanteur préféré est passenger son vrai nom est Michael David Rosemberg il est né le 17 mai 1984 , sa mere est anglaise, il a enregistré sa premiére chanson à 16 ans, il faisait parti d'un groupe en 2003 mais en 2009 il a commencé une carriére solo en Australie, il joue de la guitare et chante, son album le plus célebre  est "All the little light "

La chanson préféré de Katty est "Life is for the living" elle aime cette chanson car elle transmait un message

Merci d'avance et BONNE SOIREE !!!

Répondre :

Katty likes listening the music RNB(GNI), Country music and the jazz, his(her) favorite singer is passenger his real name is Michael David Rosemberg he was born on May 17th, 1984, her mother is English, he registered(recorded) his premiére song at the age of 16, he made party of a group in 2003 but in 2009 he began a solo carriére in Australia, he plays the guitar and sings, his most famous album is " light All the little "

The song preferred by Katty is "Life is for the living room" she(it) like this song because she(it) transmait
Katty likes listening to music RNB,country and jazz, her favorite singer is passenger his real name is Michael David Rosemberg. He was born on the sevententh of may 1984(nineteen eighty four). Her mother is english. He is register his first song 16 years old. He was part of a group in 2003 but in 2009 He beggins (a  solocareer mais pas sur !)  in Autralia. He plays guitar and he sings, his album the most famous is " All the little light"
Voila ! J'espere que c'est juste mais je veux devenir prof d'anglais plus tard ;) Salut =)

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