Bonjour je suis nul en anglais j’ai besoin de votre aide !

je dois rédiger un dialogue entre un serveur et un client qui veut commander de s un restaurant en anglais

Répondre :

de dialogue entre un serveur et un client dans un restaurant :
Client : Hello, I'd like to order something to eat, please.
Serveur : Of course, sir/madam. What would you like to start with?
Client : I'll have the Caesar salad as an appetizer, please.
Serveur : Excellent choice. And for your main course?
Client : I'll have the grilled salmon with steamed vegetables.
Serveur : Sounds delicious. How would you like your salmon cooked?
Client : Medium, please.
Serveur : Noted. And would you like anything to drink with your meal?
Client : Just water for now, please.
Serveur : Certainly. I'll bring that right away. Anything else I can assist you with?
Client : No, that will be all for now, thank you. Serveur : You're welcome. Enjoy your meal.
J'espère que cela vous aidera !

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