bonjour j’ai besoin d’aide pour un exo svp. je dois créer une histoire avec les 14 mots suivants : a mission, a plane, to hide, an agent, a gun, 009, a passport, a microfilm, an ear, one more thing, an atlas, N*2, an air ticket, a colonel.

merci d’avance.

Répondre :

In the dead of night, Agent 009 received a crucial mission. He was tasked with retrieving a microfilm containing vital information for national security. Armed with his gun and equipped with a forged passport, he boarded a clandestine plane to an undisclosed destination.

His contact, a trusted colonel, briefed him on where he could find the precious microfilm. But as he navigated through dimly lit alleyways, he sensed a presence behind him. Swiveling around swiftly, he aimed his weapon at the intruder only to discover it was a curious ear.

"Just an inquisitive ear," he murmured, exhaling a sigh of relief.

He eventually located where the microfilm was supposed to be hidden, concealed within a dusty atlas. But upon opening the book, he found nothing inside. A false lead.

Taking a deep breath, he remembered his colonel's cryptic words: "One more thing, always look a second time."

He returned to the atlas and discovered a secret pocket where the microfilm was carefully hidden. With a satisfied smile, he retrieved the precious item.

Before leaving the location, he made sure to destroy all evidence of his presence. He purchased a return air ticket with the money stashed in his shoe, erasing any trace of his existence there.

Back at base, he handed over the microfilm to the colonel, thus completing his mission successfully. Another mission accomplished for Agent 009, ready to face his next adventure.

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