
Form Adjectives
from the following Nouns: Ease, pity, time,
heaven, health, wealth, love, hill, need, green , pain, wonder, peace, child, cost.    
Form adjectives from the following verbs

Act ,fear,  educate, offend, care, ignore, hope, create, benefit

Répondre :



Réponse :

Ease = easy

pity = pitiful ( pitoyable )

time = timely 

heaven = heavenly

health = healthy

wealth = wealthy

love = lovely 

hill = hilly ( vallonné )

need = needy

green = green  

pain = painful ( douloureux )

wonder = wonderful 

peace = peaceful

child = childish ( enfantin ) 

cost. = costly ( coûteux /cher )

Act = active

fear = fearful ( peureux / craintif ) 

educate = educated 

offend = offended 

care = careful 

ignore = ignorant  

hope = hopeful 

create = creative 

benefit = beneficial ( bénéfique/avantageux )

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