Bonjours pouvez vous m'aidez: Cliffhanger review: Step 1: Choose a story with a cliffhanger (it can be a movie, a TV series, a book, a book series). Step 2: Give the definition of a cliffhanger. Step 3: Present the work you chose: the author, the plot, its cliffhanger. Step 4: Explain why it is your favorite cliffhanger. Step 5: Record your video (Minimum 1m - maximum 2m). o​

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Réponse :

[Opening shot of you sitting comfortably in a well-lit room with a bookshelf in the background]

"Hey there! Today, I'm going to talk about one of my favorite cliffhangers from a book series that had me on the edge of my seat."

[Cut to a close-up shot of the book cover]

"The book series I chose is 'A Song of Ice and Fire' by George R.R. Martin. Now, let's dive into what a cliffhanger is."

[Cut to you holding up a dictionary or showing the definition on screen]

"A cliffhanger is a literary device where the author leaves the audience or reader in suspense at the end of a chapter or installment, often with a dramatic event or unresolved plotline, to keep them eagerly anticipating the next part of the story."

[Cut back to you]

"Now, onto 'A Song of Ice and Fire.' Written by George R.R. Martin, this epic fantasy series is known for its intricate plotlines, complex characters, and shocking twists."

[Cut to images or brief footage of the book covers and the characters]

"The series is set in the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos and follows the power struggles among noble families as they vie for control of the Iron Throne."

[Cut to a suspenseful scene from the TV adaptation or dramatic music]

"Now, for the cliffhanger that left me speechless: at the end of the fifth book, 'A Dance with Dragons,' we are left wondering about the fate of one of the main characters, Jon Snow."

[Cut to you looking thoughtful]

"Why is it my favorite cliffhanger? Well, it's because it completely subverted my expectations. Martin built up Jon Snow as a central character throughout the series, and then he leaves us hanging with his fate uncertain."

[Cut to you looking excited]

"This cliffhanger made me eagerly anticipate the next book in the series, desperate to know what happens next and how it will impact the story as a whole."

[Cut to a closing shot of you smiling]

"And that's why the cliffhanger from 'A Dance with Dragons' is one of my all-time favorites. What about you? Do you have a favorite cliffhanger? Let me know in the comments below! Thanks for watching."

Explications :

[End with a fade-out or your signature sign-off]

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