E-Complete meaningfully the following dialog of Aliou and Astou talking about ICT (2 marks: 0.5 x 4) Astou: 17 Aliou: internet was created many years ago. Astou: It was invented first for military purposes, 18..................? Aliou: Absolutely! Unfortunately, today it 19. /misused) by young people. Astou: It's pity! Parents had better 20, children's use of internet. .......? .( has misused/is misused (control/ controlling/ to control) their​

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Complete meaningfully the following dialog of Aliou and Astou talking about ICT

Aliou : Internet was created many years ago.

Astou: It was invented first for military purposes, 18.wasn't it?

Aliou: Absolutely! Unfortunately, today it is misused by young people.

Astou: It's a pity! Parents had better control their children's use of internet,  hadn't they?

.( has misused/is misused (control/ controlling/ to control) their​


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