Karp, of course, is the 26-year-old autodidact who
founded Tumblr, the social-networking blog site [...].
Karp isn't your typical Internet entrepreneur. He grew
up in New York, on the Upper West Side of Manhattan,
and attended the Calhoun School, where his mother
was a science teacher. [...]
At Calhoun, Karp drove teachers nuts by trying to hack
into the school's computer system. After leaving, he
spent a year at the Bronx High School of Science, where
he studied Japanese. But he fell in with the wrong crowd
and dropped out' - besting2 technology giants such
as Jobs, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison and Mark Zuckerberg,
who all timidly waited until after entering college to
abandon their formal education.
By then, Karp had read a book about HTML software
and had helped small businesses build websites.
As a 14-year-old, he worked at Tekserve, a huge,
hipster-laden Apple-repair spécialist
Soon enough, Karp was introduced to Fred Seibert, a former jazz-music record executive who
became one of the creative founders of MTV, Nickelodeon and Comedy Central.4
"I was so nervous and not sure what to say," Karp said about meeting Seibert. But he remembered
being very impressed by Seibert, dressed all in white, hanging out in this cool office space with a
bunch of tech geeks, trying to change the world.
He learned so much from Seibert and those around him that Karp's parents allowed him to keep
working for [Seibert] while he was home-schooled. He took Japanese classes at the Asia Society
and learned maths and English from a tutor.
Eventually, he started working for UrbanBaby [...]. He worked remotely from home, logging
into the UrbanBaby servers and cashing his salary cheques. He was nervous that the company's
founder, John Maloney, would fire him if he found out he was only 16.
Explain "He fell in with the wrong crowd"( line 10)
Explain lines 10 to 14. Rephrase.

Répondre :

"He fell in with the wrong crowd" means that he started associating with a group of people who had a negative influence on him or led him down the wrong path.

Lines 10 to 14 describe how Karp, despite being academically inclined and exploring his interests early on, faced challenges such as dropping out of Bronx High School of Science due to negative influences. Despite this setback, he continued to pursue his interests, learning about HTML software and assisting businesses with website building. Eventually, he crossed paths with Fred Seibert, a significant figure in media and technology, who became a mentor to him and provided valuable learning experiences. This exposure and guidance from Seibert, along with homeschooling and additional educational opportunities, shaped Karp's path towards success in the tech industry.

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