2. Complète ces phrases en utilisant l'adjectif entre parenthèses au comparatif. a) Sonia is b) She is c) She is her cousin. (intelligent) (slim) and (small) than he is. at English than he is. (good) d) Sonia is her two sisters. (old) e) So, her two sisters are f) Sonia is g) Sonia's hair is h) She is i) Her room is j) Her cousin is. 3. Compare loc m she is. (young) they are. (artistic) her mother's. (long). at maths than her cousin. (bad) than her cousin's. (tidy) than she is. (messy) on utilisant le mparatif​

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Réponse :


Pour compléter les phrases en utilisant les adjectifs au comparatif :

a) Sonia is more intelligent than her cousin.

b) She is slimmer and smaller than he is.

c) She is better at English than he is.

d) Sonia is older than her two sisters.

e) So, her two sisters are younger than she is.

f) Sonia is more artistic.

g) Sonia's hair is longer.

h) She is worse at maths than her cousin.

i) Her room is tidier than her cousin's.

j) Her cousin is messier than she is.

J'espère que ces réponses t'aident à compléter les phrases correctement! Si tu as d'autres questions ou besoin d'aide supplémentaire, n'hésite pas à me le dire!


Bonjour !

Voici les réponses à tes questions :

2. a) Sonia is more intelligent than he is.

b) She is slimmer than he is. ️‍♀️

c) She is smaller than he is.

d) Sonia is older than her two sisters.

e) So, her two sisters are younger than her.

f) Sonia is more artistic than her mother's.

g) Sonia's hair is longer than her cousin's. ‍♀️

h) She is better at maths than her cousin.

i) Her room is tidier than she is.

j) Her cousin is more messy than she is.

3. Compare loc m she is. (young) they are. (artistic) her mother's. (long). at maths than her cousin. (bad) than her cousin's. (tidy) than she is. (messy)

Elle est plus jeune que eux. ‍♀️

Elle est plus artistique que sa mère.

Sa chevelure est plus longue que celle de sa mère. ‍♀️

Elle est meilleure en maths que son cousin.

Elle est plus mauvaise que son cousin en maths.

Sa chambre est plus propre que la sienne.

Son cousin est plus désorganisé que la sienne.

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