
General Questions )- Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B: A - How long does it take to get there? 2- What are you going to do there? 3- Thank you. 4- What would you like to drink? B I'm going skiing. ( ) It takes about two hours. ( I'd like some juice, please. ( You're welcome. ( ) *** Reading short sentences Read the following sentences then Put (✓ T ) or ( * F ):​

General Questions Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B A How long does it take to get there 2 What are you going to do there 3 Thank you class=

Répondre :

-how long does it take to get there
It takes about two hours

-what are you doing there
I’m going skiing

-thank you
You’re welcome

-what would you like to drink
I d like some juice please

Voilà bonne journée !

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