
6- We ………….. (buy) a new house last summer.
7- Last weekend I ……………. (go) to the amusement park!
8- Really ? I I'm so jealous, I ……………(be/never) there before !
9- I hear someone knocking at the door so I ..………… (open) the door and I ...................(Check) who it was bu There Waw nobody outside.
10-I …………. (read) this book ten times alread.

Répondre :


6- bought 7- went 8- I've never been 9- opened... checked 10- read



Réponse :

6- We bought (buy) a new house last summer.

action passée, datée : prétérit

7- Last weekend I went  (go) to the amusement park!

action passée, datée : prétérit

8- Really ? I I'm so jealous, I have never been (be/never) there before !

dire que l'on n'a jamais fait quelque chose : present perfect

9- I heard someone knocking at the door so I opened  (open) the door and I checked (Check) who it was but There was nobody outside.

succession d'actions passées : prétérit

10-I have read (read) this book ten times already.

constat au présent : present perfect

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