Bonsoir qui peux m’aidez pour ma trace écrite en anglais je doit parler de mes 4j en Australie et je doit dire ce que je fait pendant ces 4jours toute la journée comme par exemple : j’ai fait du ski mais il faut le faire en anglais désolé si c’est mal écrit mais merci quand même à ceux qui m’aideront.

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Réponse : okkk ! (je suis au collège mais j'ai niveau B1-B2 ça te va ?) sinon : During my vacation in Australia, I have visited Sidney which is a wonderful city. I have been to Sidney Opera House right after I have done bungee jumping in Harbour Bridge. It was an amazing time but also stressful and sensational. For the second day, I have been to Taronga Zoo, I have seen a lot of wild animals like platypuses, koala...Taronga Zoo is the first Sidney's zoo ! It's frequented by many locals, but also by foreigners. Then, after long journeys, i have been to Bondi Beach. What a beautiful beach ! We can surf, swim, play near to the sea, and even we can go to the pool ! In fact there is a pool in front of the sea. I have been really chocked because a lot of locals (who work near to the beach) come here before they go to work ! The beach is just amazing ! I mean the waves are high, the water is so clear and blue. For the last day, I have been to the great barrier reef ! It was the most extraordinary thing i have ever done in my life ! The reef are amazing and all the colors are wonderful !

So sad to leave this AMAZING country !!

Explications : je ne sais pas si ça te va désolée en tout cas c'était avec plaisir que je l'ai fait et j'espère que tu vas avoir une bonne note !!

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