The Olympic Games
Present perfect vs. Past simple:
Complete the passage below using the correct form of the verb in brackets (present perfect or simple
The original Olympic Games (begin) began
until they (be)
around 800 BC in Ancient Greece, and
abolished by the Roman
Emperor Theodosius in AD 393. The first modern Olympics (take place)
Athens in 1896, and since then, more than a dozen different countries (stage)
the Summer Olympics. The cities of Athens, Paris, London, Berlin and Los
Angeles (stage).
In 1956, Australia (become).
the Olympics twice.
the first country outside Europe and
America to stage the Olympics, while Mexico (be)
country to stage the Olympics, in 1968.
the first Latin American
Many of the greatest athletes in the world (take part)
but no one (equal)
Nurmi, who between 1920 and 1928 (win).
The Olympic Games (see).
in the Olympic Games,
the achievements of the great Finnish athlete, Paavo
nine gold and three silver medals.
many tragedies and triumphs. For example, in the
five times in
marathon of 1908, the little Italian, Dorando Pietri (collapse)
the last part of the race, but (come)
spectators (help).
first only to be disqualified because
him over the finishing line. And in 1936, the famous black
six world records in a single day!
American athlete Jesse Owens (break).
From the first modern Olympics in Athens, when only fourteen countries (participate)
the Olympics (grow).
silver and bronze medals (go).
to include over 140 countries. Gold,
to over 8,000 men and women.

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