Fill the gaps with the correct tenses.
1. They (build)
a new power station at the moment.
2. When I was buying the stamps somebody (call) call el
3. 'What time (Kevin come) does bevin an 'An hour ago.'
4.1 (not go) didin't went
5. Carol invited us to the party but we (not go) we don't went
my name.
to the cinema last night. I was too tired.
. We had other
6. I saw Bridget at the museum when I was going to the restaurant but she (not
dosen't saw
7. 'Where (your parents live) are you pavent ?' 'In a village near London. Th

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Fill the gaps with the correct tenses.

(phrase 3 incomprise === merci de la remettre en commentaire)

1. They are buliding  (build) a new power station at the moment.

(present continuous puisque l'action est en cours> at the moment

2. When I was buying the stamps somebody (call) called my name.

(action passée courte et terminée, interrompant celle en cours au past continuous)

3. 'What time  (Kevin come) does bevin an 'An hour ago.' ????? si tu pouvais la réécrire .... et aussi "We had other"

What time does Kevin come ?


It began an hour ago.

4. (not go) I didn't go to the cinema last night. I was too tired.

past simple négatif

(explications ci-dessous)

5. Carol invited us to the party but we  didn't go (not go)

(past simple négatif)

6. I saw Bridget at the museum when I was going to the restaurant but she (not see) didn't see me.

(action passée courte past simple négative)

7. 'Where do your parents live (live) ? They live in a village near London

(question présent simple)


Que ce soit au présent ou au prétérit on emploie l'auxiliaire "do"

C'est toujours lui qui est conjugué, donc les verbes reprennent toujours leur Base Verbale

au présent, on utlise  donc cet auxiliaire "do"

au présent à la 3e p. singulier do  devient DOES. Donc on retire le "s" du verbe et on le laisse en Base Verbale

ex : She comes. > Does she come? She doesn't come.

do not = don't / does not = doesn't

interrogations > Do/does + S+ BV + ?

négations > S + do /does + not + BV .

au prétérit "do" va devenir "did" qui est son prétérit? Donc les verbes retrouvent leur Base Verbale (infinitif sans to)

interrogations > Did + S + BV + ?

négations > S + did + not + BV   (did not = didn't)

EX: She came. Did she come ? She didn't come

Cette règle ne s'applique pas à "be" puisque celui-ci est déjà un auxiliaire.

je n'ai vraiment pas compris la phrase 3.... remets la en commentaires et je te dirais..


Bonne journée ☺☺☺

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