Now ... practise and learn.
5 Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box.
there's there are are there is there there aren't (x2)
a newsagent's near
A Excuse me. 1
here? I want to buy a newspaper.
B No,
any newsagents here, sorry.
any supermarkets? They
A Oh. 3
usually sell newspapers.
B Well, 4
centre, but 5
Wait a minute! 6
two supermarkets in the town
any shops near here.
a petrol station in
that street over there. You can buy a newspaper there.yes libéis jdoalhwuwkwlowjwibu. Il ineibeiebbwuwi Wii wow bi eje veiñuenlsvis u subsiste k a

Now practise and learn5 Complete the conversation Use the words in the boxtheres there are are there is there there arent x2a newsagents nearA Excuse me 1here I class=

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Réponse :

A Excuse me, is there a newsagent's near here? I want to buy a newspaper.

B No, there aren’t any newsagents here, sorry.

A Oh Are there any supermarkets? They usually sell newspapers.

B Well, there are two supermarkets in the town centre, but  there aren’t any shops near here.

A Wait a minute! There’s  a petrol station inthat street over there. You can buy a newspaper there.

Explications :

There is ( = There's ) + singulier

There are + pluriel

Is there + singulier

Are there + pluriel

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