1 Complète cette biographie de Madonna, en utilisant for ou since.

Madonna has been a star ... 1983. She has released more than 20 albums and was no. 1 ... six weeks with "Into the Groove". She was married to Sean Penn ... four years in the 1980s and has been mother to Lourdes... 1996 and Rocco... 2000.​

1 Complète cette biographie de Madonna en utilisant for ou since Madonna has been a star 1983 She has released more than 20 albums and was no 1 six weeks with class=

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Complète cette biographie de Madonna, en utilisant for ou since.

for : ( durée )

since : ( point de départ )

Madonna has been a star since 1983. She has released more than 20 albums and was no. 1 for six weeks with "Into the Groove". She was married to Sean Penn for  four years in the 1980s and has been mother to Lourdes since 1996 and Rocco since 2000.​

Madonna has been a star since 1983. She has released over 20 albums and was no. 1 for six weeks with "Into the Groove". She was married to Sean Penn for four years in the 1980s and has been a mother to Lourdes since 1996 and Rocco since 2000.

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