Bonjourr, est ce que qlqn peut m'aider ? c'est en anglais, jsuis en 3ème .
Consigne : Construisez des phrases en remettant ces mots dans l'ordre :
1. my / asked / give / pocket money / I / to / father / me / my

2. to / told / me / on / spend / not / things / He / it / silly

3. brother / her / asked / to / with / housework / her / Gill / help / the

4. us / teacher / be / The / our / late / not / told / to / test / for
Merci d'avance !

Répondre :

Salut !

1/ I asked my father to give me my pocket money.

2/ He told me not to spend it on silly things.

3/ Gill asked her brother to help her with the housework.

4/ The teacher told us to not be late for our test.

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