After six weeks that shop still had not
After six weeks my books
a. Has not been sent
b. Have not been sent
c. Had not been sent
d. Had sent

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After six weeks thisshop haven't still sent my books. VA

After six weeks my books have not still been sent by that shop. VP

a. Has not been sent

b. Have not been sent

c. Had not been sent

d. Had sent

C'est à la voix passive

voix active

After six weeks they haven't still sent my books

à la voix passive on conjugue "be" au même temps que le verbe de la voix active  et on ajoute le participe passé du  verbe

My books haven't still been sent by that shop

je ne sais pas si c'est une erreur de frappe mais sur ta question tu as utilisé 'had sent" ce qui est du past perfect > il n'y a pas de changement de temps qu'on on passe au discours indirect pour le past perfect


After six weeks , this shop hadn't still sent my book.

My books had not still been sent  by that shop after six weeks .

c'est toujours au past perfect simple, mais on conjugue "be" à la VP + particope passé du verbe


bonne journée ☺☺☺

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