qlq pourrai m'aider pour cet exercice mer d'avance :

Exercice 2 : trouve les mots qui correspond à ses définitions (construction : sujet + would like + groupe nominal ou pronom complément + to + Base Verbale + …)

a. This is something men had on their heads during WWII

b. You wear them when it is very sunny

c. Ballerinas tie their hair in a ... when they dance

d. You wear them in winter to protect you hands from the cold

e. Only men can have one their chin.

Répondre :



Réponse :

a. This is something men had on their heads during WWII = a helmet ( casque )

b. You wear them when it is very sunny = sunglasses ( lunettes de soleil )

c. Ballerinas tie their hair in a bun ( chignon ) when they dance 

d. You wear them in winter to protect you hands from the cold = gloves ( des gants )

e. Only men can have one on their chin. = a beard ( une barbe )

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