B. Choose the best option.
1. A gold ring is
a) expensive
than a silver ring.
b) expensiver
c) more expensive
2. A tennis ball is
than a golf ball.
a) biger
b) bigger
c) more big
3. John is
a) older than
b) as old as
Michael, they have the same age.
4. I'm a good student, but João is
a) gooder
b) more good
5. I think Mary is pretty, but Rachel is
a) prettyer
b) prettier
c) less old than
c) better
c) more pretty

Répondre :


Réponse :


réponse c)

A gold ring is more expensive than a silver ring.

si l' adjectif est long , on utilise ->  more + adjectif + than

réponse b)

A tennis ball is bigger than a golf ball.

( adjectif court d'1 syllabe et on double la consonne car terminaison "consonne-voyelle-consonne" voir règle )

réponse b)

John is as old as Michael, they have the same age.

c'est la suite de la phrase qui permet de trouver la bonne réponse -> m^me âge )

I'm a good student, but João is better.

(comparatif irrégulier ainsi que le superlatif ( the best )  )

I think Mary is pretty, but Rachel is prettier

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