Complétez avec les pronoms interrogatifs qui conviennent
go to Spain next year? Yes, I will. I'll visit Madrid.
is there in this box? I think it's a pair of shoes.
is your little sister? About one metre tall.
do you buy this delicious bread? At the baker's in Red S
book do you want to read first: Harry Potter or Lord of th
as? Harry Potter please

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Complétez avec les pronoms interrogatifs qui conviennent

On ne met un mot interrogatif que si c'est une question ouverte. C'st-à-dire qu'elle porte sur un élément de la phrase.

Par contre si c'est une question fermée => dont la réponse ne peut être que "yes" ou "no", alors  pas de mot interrogatif

Will you go to Spain next year? Yes, I will. I'll visit Madrid.

What is there in this box? I think it's a pair of shoes.

How tall is your little sister? About one metre tall.

Where  do you buy this delicious bread? At the baker's in Red S

Which book do you want to read first: Harry Potter or Lord of th

as? Harry Potter please


bonne journée☺☺☺

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