Exercise 23
Decide whether or not each sentence uses the infinitive correctly. Mark a correct use
with a checkmark
and an incorrect use with an x X
1. She likes play in the park.
2. The sun was beginning to shine.
3. I decided to help Dad with the dinner.
4. Mom asked me close the window.
5. The teacher warned me to be quiet.
6. I didn't know which tool use.
7. We couldn't decide how many cakes to buy.
8. Can I to watch the TV, Mom?
9. Do you think i should help him?
10. I think I shall to go home now.

Répondre :

1. Incorrect : She likes TO play in the park
2. Correct
3. Correct
4. Incorrect : Mom asked me TO close the window.
5. Correct
6. Incorrect : I didn’t know which tool TO use.
7. Correct
8. Incorrect : Can I watch the TV, Mom ?
9. Correct
10. Incorrect : I think I shall go home.

Essaies de regarder où j’ai enlevé et rajouté les TO, cela t’aidera peut être à comprendre :)

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