Enjoy English niveau 4ème.

Exercice 8 page 48.


Complète les phrases suivantes pour éviter les répétitions.

-> si tu hèsite, relis le think about it! n°2p. 43.


a. These boots are too small. Have you got bigger........ ?

b. I neve wear cotton jackets. I'd prefer a leather ......... ?

c. I don't want these wide pants. I want tighter.............. ?

d. I just hate long dresses. Do you have shorter............ ?

e. Look at this shirt! It's cool.. and how about this fancy......?

Répondre :

A chaque fois tu mets "one" ou alors "ones" quand c'est au pluriel ex: a. --> ones b. --> ones c. Ones d. One e. One






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