


Vous faite un stage à l'étranger et logez dans une residence pour étudiants.

Un vol à été commis dans le salon commun.le poste de télévision à disparu. le commisaire vous demande une declaration écrite de votre emploie du temps du week-end dernier.

vous décrirez précisement ce que vous avez fait en donnant les dates et les heures afin que vos activités et allers et venues puissent être vérifiés.



PS:Utilisez des mots de liaisons de faites des phrases complexes. utilisez au moins deux verbes de gout. et utilisez le PRETERIT! 



MERCI beaucoup car je suis vraiment perdu!!(texte à faire en anglais)

Répondre :

Bonjour , je crois pouvoir t' aider .


Next week-end ,on saturday , i went to Mc Donald's with my best friend in 12 o'clok .

I chose a Mc Wrap, a big soda and a ice cream .

In afternoon morning , my grand - mother came in my home at 16 o'clok with a lot of cakes .

I ate a cakes and i spoke with she .

At 17o'clok ,my grand-mother was happy because i saw me .

At 19o' clok , i went to dinner in my kitchen and at 22'o clok , i went to sleep in my bed .

On sunday, i ate a breakfast and then i went to play sports in my garden til 11 o'clok.

Then , i played vidéo game and i went to take a shower .


E n espèrant avoir aidé pour une petite partie ou un début !

Last week-end, i woke up at eleven am, I got dress, and at eleven thirty, I was in town to buy a new jean that I liked.When I came back home at half past tewle, I cooked lunch for me and my friends. After lunch, at quater past one, we decided to wacht a film, a James Bond, it was Golden eye, the film that I prefered. When the film ended, at half past two, I decided to work a bit. We had diner at seven pm, and at height fifteen, we all went in town to see friends or to go to the cinema. I went to see a friend. I came back home at midnight, and I xent directly to bed because I was deed tired. On sunday morning, when Oliver woke up at ten o'clock, he saw that the television was missing in the lounge, and he woke up all of us.

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