According to Brack and Hill (2000) what is important to note here is that belonging, the ability to pursue meaningful relationships and contribute to society, is not automatic, it needs to be consciously developed and when it is developed, it is intrinsically rewarding. However, people have to actually learn ways of trusting others, giving and accepting care and being sincere. Adler (1870-1937) as cited by the above-mentioned authors, states that learning these skills is intrinsically rewarding because the skills fulfill a genetic potential. Furthermore, because this need is rooted in a strong genetic potential the fulfillment of the need for belonging is also a prerequisite for emotional well-being. When the need for belonging is not met, a person may easily become aloof, manipulative and self-centered. When the feeling of belonging and interpersonal connectedness develops, a sense of social interest, co-operation and equality emerges. Belonging is met by obtaining results, which provides closer relationships with others, and competence is met by obtaining results, which are useful in many ways.
Instruction: Guess the meanings of the following words as they are used in the reading
10. pursue (Para 12, line 2) ___​

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