GROUP B PEDAGOGIE DIFFERENCIEE a Circle the best gift(s) for Zoe in each sentence according to the information.

a. She loves hats. She has got two baseball caps, but she hasn't got a beanie.
b. She likes winter sports. She hasn't got a scarf.
c. She doesn't wear any jewels. 1. beanie, baseball cap, earrings 2. sunglasses, rucksack, scarf 3. flip-flops, bracelet, earrings​

Répondre :

Réponse :

Bonjour, voici la réponse que je peux vous proposer :

Certainly! Let’s analyze the information provided and determine the best gift(s) for Zoe based on her preferences:

Zoe loves hats. She already has two baseball caps, but she doesn’t have a beanie. So, a beanie would be a great gift for her.

Zoe likes winter sports. However, she hasn’t got a scarf. Therefore, a scarf would be a suitable gift for her.

Zoe doesn’t wear any jewels. Considering this, earrings would not be an appropriate gift for her.

Based on the information given, the best gift options for Zoe are a beanie and a scarf.

Explications :

J'espère t'avoir aider, bonne soirée

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