Exorcise Reported yeech react to these situation I we were at hom, My sifer was waking Gombalold me that 2 why did you stay in the classroom The fiend asked me 3) The teacher junished answered him that 7 9 I Con you ame with to the football match? cousin wanted to know ну The teachers have gone back home they will return at ached next monday 2 The headmaster said to my father xercisi Passive voice Reformulation we have asked two question​

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Passive voice reformulation of the given sentences:

1. If we were at home, I was being woken up by my sister, who told me that I should stay in the classroom.

2. The friend was asking me why I had stayed in the classroom.

3. The teacher was being questioned by the friend about the punishment.

4. My cousin wanted to know if I could come with him to the football match.

5. It was said by the headmaster to my father that the teachers had gone back home and would return the next Monday.

Exercise: Reported speech reactions to these situations:

1. I was being woken up by my sister, who told me that I should stay in the classroom.
- I reacted with confusion and wondered why my sister wanted me to stay in the classroom.

2. The friend was asking me why I had stayed in the classroom.
- I responded defensively, explaining my reasons for staying in the classroom.

3. The teacher was being questioned by the friend about the punishment.
- The friend reacted with curiosity, wanting to know more about the punishment.

4. My cousin wanted to know if I could come with him to the football match.
- I responded enthusiastically, expressing my desire to go to the football match with my cousin.

5. It was said by the headmaster to my father that the teachers had gone back home and would return the next Monday.
- My father reacted calmly, acknowledging the information given by the headmaster.

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