Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider svp.

Complète ces phrases avec so ou such.

a. The launch of the Artemis rocket was....... a historic occasion.

b. Traveling the Oregon Trail was for the pioneers. tough

c. Learning about the Apollo 11 mission was...... a fascinating experience.

d. Getting to Mars seems like an impossible mission.

e. Mars is....... far away: over 164,000,000 km!

f. The pioneers were....... brave and adventurous people.​

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Réponse :

a. The launch of the Artemis rocket was such a historic occasion.

b. Traveling the Oregon Trail was so tough for the pioneers.

c. Learning about the Apollo 11 mission was such a fascinating experience.

d. Getting to Mars seems like an impossible mission.

e. Mars is so far away: over 164,000,000 km!

f. The pioneers were such brave and adventurous people.

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