
Matin Luther King Jr
Est que vous pourrez m'aider à parler de lui en anglais ce qu'il a fait pour les droits civiques... svp parce que j'ai choisi de parler un petit peu anglais pour mon oral de brevet ​

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bonjour oui ce n est pas complet rajoute des choses comme son enfance .. !


Martin Luther King Jr. was a pivotal figure in the American Civil Rights Movement. He advocated for nonviolent resistance to fight against racial segregation and discrimination. His famous "I Have a Dream" speech delivered in 1963 highlighted his vision for a future where all individuals would be treated equally regardless of their race. King's efforts led to significant legislative changes, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. His legacy continues to inspire people worldwide to strive for equality and justice.

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