(Tu dois contacter Mr Stanley, le directeur de la Chaine, pour le tenir au courant de ton travail.
Avant de contacter Mr Stanley, tu souhaites récapituler les tâches que tu as déjà finies et celles
que tu n'as pas encore faites. Tu demandes à Jane, ta secrétaire, de t'en faire la liste. Comment
lui demanderais-tu ? Sois très poli. Formule ta demande de 3 façons différentes. (de la moins
polie à la plus polie).

1- Jane, I need to contact Mr Stanley to keep him up to date with my work.

..................................... please?

2- Jane, I need to contact Mr Stanley to keep him up to date with my work.


3- Jane, I need to contact Mr Stanley to keep him up to date with my work.

.................................... please?

merci d avance pour vos réponses

Répondre :

Bien sûr, voici trois façons de formuler cette demande, de la moins polie à la plus polie :

1. Jane, I need to contact Mr. Stanley to keep him up to date with my work. Could you make a list of the tasks I've finished and those I haven't, please?

2. Jane, I need to contact Mr. Stanley to keep him up to date with my work. Would you kindly prepare a list of the tasks I've completed and those I still need to do, please?

3. Jane, I need to contact Mr. Stanley to keep him up to date with my work. Could you be so kind as to prepare a detailed list of the tasks I've completed and those that are still pending, please?

J'espère que cela vous aide !

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