besoin d'aide en anglais svp
right or wrong ( il faut aussi citer le texte pour compléter la réponse)
a/ Jesse Owens came from a rich background.
right or wrong

b/ Jesse's coach at high school was not kind to him.
right or wrong

c/ Owens was the only black American athlètes at the Olympics in Berlin.
right or wrong

d/ nazis wanted to show that colored poeple were equal to the Aryan race.
right or wrong

e/ When Owens returned to the usa after the Olympics he was humiliated.
right or wrong


a/ Why do you think Jesse's parents decided to move to Cleveland, Ohio ?

b/ why did Jesse Owens have to practice track and field before school?

c/ was year did Jesse participate in the Olympics?

d/ what Olympics record did Jesse break?

e/ how many gold medals did Jesse win at the Olympics?

f/ why is Jesse Owens regarded as q figure of the fight for equal rights?

besoin daide en anglais svp right or wrong il faut aussi citer le texte pour compléter la réponse2a Jesse Owens came from a rich backgroundright or wrong b Jess class=

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Réponse :


a. Wrong. "His parents [...] were sharecroppers and his mother did other people's laundry to earn extra money".

Jesse Owens ne vient pas d'un milieu aisé : ses parents étaient métayers (ils payaient leur loyer en récoltes agricoles) et sa mère faisait les lessives des autres pour arrondir les fins de mois.

b. Wrong. "Owens's coach let him practice before school. That way, he could keep his job at a shoe repair shop."

Le coach de Jesse n'était pas dur avec lui, pour preuve : il le faisait s'entraîner avant les cours, ce qui permettait à Owen de continuer de travailler dans une cordonnerie le soir.

c. Wrong. "He was forced to live off campus with other African American athletes and when he travelled with the track team, Jesse had to stay in "blacks only" hotels and ate in "blacks-only" restaurants."

Jesse n'était pas le seul afro-américain à participer aux JO de Berlin. Il restait d'ailleurs avec les autres personnes noires, du fait de la ségrégation (hôtels et restaurants étaient séparés de ceux des blancs, par exemple).

d. Wrong. "German leader Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party had wanted the Olympics to show that white German athletes were better than everyone else."

Au contraire, les nazis voulaient prouver que les allemands étaient supérieurs. Jesse Owens leur a montré que ce n'était pas le cas.

e. Wrong. "When he returned to the U.S. he was greeted with a ticker-tape parade."

Il a été reçu en héros à son retour aux US, grâce à ses performances (a ticker-tape parade = un défilé d'honneur)


a. Jesse's parents wanted their children to have an education, more comfort and opportunities: "When J.C was eight, his parents decided to move the family north to Cleveland, OH, for a better life."

Ils voulaient une meilleure qualité de vie pour leurs enfants.

b. He had to practice sport before school because he had to work in a shoe repair store in the evening: "Owens's coach let him practice before school. That way, he could keep his job at a shoe repair shop."

Il travaillait le soir, comme on l'a vu dans l'exercice précédent.

c. Jesse participated in the Berlin Olympics of 1936: "In 1936 Jesse competed at the Olympics in Berlin, Germany."

d. He broke 7 records: "he set seven world records during his career." The texte is unclear on which ones.

Il a battu 7 records dans sa carrière, mais le texte ne dit pas dans quelles disciplines exactement.

e. Jesse won at least 4 gold medals at the Olympics: "Jesse was the first American track and field Olympian to win four gold medals in one day."

Le texte n'est toujours pas très précis, mais on sait qu'il en a gagné au moins 4 (la même journée !!)

f. Jesse Owens is regarded as a figure for equal rights because he showed the whole world that black people could win against white people in sports. He believed in equality, he considered sports competition to be a solution to racial conflicts, and he shared his values with the youth: "Owens believed that athletic competition could help solve racial and political problems, and he sponsored youth sports programs all over the United States."

Owens a montré que les noirs pouvaient battre les blancs dans le sport. Il croyait en l'égalité et voyait la compétition sportive comme une solution au  racisme. Il a participé à l'éducation des jeunes à ces valeurs.

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