

« Remplir le texte avec les éléments du document p.55 du livre »

Charlie Chaplin:
1) Date and place of birth (faites une phrase)

2) He was……….(nationality)

3)His childhood…………..unhappy

3)He emigrated to……..,and his life……….happier than in England

4)He became an………, and the a………

5) He………a big family

6)He……….in 1977


BonjourBonsoir Remplir le texte avec les éléments du document p55 du livre Charlie Chaplin 1 Date and place of birth faites une phrase 2 He wasnationality 3His class=

Répondre :

Réponse :

1) Charly Chaplin was born on 16 April 1889 in London

2) english


4)actor ; a film director

5) had

6) died

Voici les réponses en espérant t’avoir aidé.


1) Charlie Chaplin was born on April 16th 1889 in London.

2) He was British.

3) His childhood was unhappy.

4) He emigrated to the USA, and his life was happier than in England.

5) He became an actor, and then a film director.

6) He had a big family.

7) He died in 1977.

De rien.

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